Monday, July 19, 2010

Thomas Wales Park letter




July 6, 2010

Christopher Williams

Seattle Parks Department

100 Dexter Avenue N

Seattle, WA 98104

Dear Mr. Williams:

The Queen Anne Community Council would like to thank the Parks Department for

its work in developing the Thomas C Wales Park. The public process was especially

thorough and inclusive of the community and the park’s neighbors.

From the first public meeting in March of 2007 through the following three additional

public meetings and extra presentations to the QACC Parks Committee, the QA

community and members of the QACC have had many chances to participate in the

process. The QA Community has been actively involved in the design of the park from

the disappointing start with the first artist through the successful design now being


The current design of the park is everything the QA community asked for. We have

supported all elements of the design from the main entry area with its wetlands, to seating

areas and trails. The community asked to keep as many of the tress as possible and that

has happened. We asked for the mid-level trail so there would be an easy path for mild

exercise. We asked for the upper trail for more vigorous excise and to reward ourselves

with the beautiful view it offers. Fortunately the current bid climate has allowed for

Parks to provide everything the community asked for including the mid and upper level


Every effort has been made to accommodate varying concerns expressed by Wind Watch

Condominium residents. They were concerned about increased access to their property

so it was suggested a fence would be an appropriate amenity to solve the potential


We are appreciative of all the time and effort the Parks Department and the project

supervisor Patrick Donohue have devoted to this difficult project. Under Patrick

Donohue’s patient and experienced guidance this project will prove to be one of the more

successful, interesting, and unique parks in the Seattle Parks system.


Ellen Monrad,

Chair QACC

 Google doc with same.

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