Wednesday, June 2, 2010

QACC May Minutes


Minutes for May 5, 2010

I. 7:30 Approval of Agenda, Minutes, etc.

A. Agenda for May 5, 2010: Approved

B. Minutes for Prior QACC Meeting (April 7): Approved

C. Treasurer's Report (April 30, 2010):

Beginning Balance $2,107.56


Interest Income




Misc. Fees



Ending Balance $1879.03

QACC Funds $429.83

PPQA Funds 1,449.20

Total Funds


II. 7:30 Presentations

A. Greg Phipps, Wash. Dept. of Transportation

1. Update on construction of a suicide prevention barrier for Aurora Bridge.

III. 7:40 New & Ongoing Business

A. Don Harper, Rules of Order for Meetings that include Public Testimony

1. Motion to approve amended Rules of Order to accommodate running QACC meetings that include public testimony passed by acclamation.

2. Motion to amend Rules of Order to allow for community input during QACC meetings passed by acclamation.

B. Ellen Monrad, 15th Avenue W. Transportation Coalition

1. Motion to approve letter to SDOT recommending mitigations for traffic increases stemming from reconstruction of Viaduct passed 15 for, 2 against.

C. Ellen Monrad, Traffic Impact of Viaduct reconstruction on Nickerson

1. Update on meeting with Seattle mayor McGinn about mitigation of traffic impacts on Nickerson from Viaduct reconstruction

IV. 8:40 Committee Reports

A. Land Use & Planning Committee: Kirk Robbins

1. Update on status of various projects proposed by Joe Geivitt.

2. Discuss of City efforts to re-evaluate and modify current design review process, with a heavy emphasis on sustainability at the expense of fundamental design.

B. Transportation: John Coney

1. John Coney announced his resignation as chair of QACC transportation committee.

C. Parks: Don Harper

1. Discussion of budget crisis within the Seattle Parks Department.

2. Letter to Seattle City Council asking them to continue funding maintenance of existing parks and construction of park improvements already in process passed by acclamation.

D. Queen Anne Magnolia District Council: Mike Warren

1. Update on efforts to fund Folk Park and a new Hill Top Farmers Market.

2. Update on petition for neighborhood improvement funds for Queen Anne Blvd (QA Crown).

E. Michael Lapin: Communications Committee

1. Review of policies for posting content to QACC blog.

F. Social Issues: Allan Panitch

1. Nothing to report

G. NAC: Kirk Robbins

1. Nothing to report

V. Attendance

A. Members in Attendance

1. Ellen Monrad

2. Kirk Robbins

3. Laura Kleisle

4. Marty Kaplan

5. Chris Grekoff

6. Mike Warren

7. Glen Avery

8. Jim Smith

9. Sharon LeVine

10. Jeff Parker

11. Margaret Okamoto

12. Don Harper

13. Michael Lapin

14. Tim Prouty

15. Deb Finken

16. John Coney

17. Peter Lawrence

18. Scot Baker

B. Members Absent

1. Scott Smith

2. Hiatt Kemp

3. George Counts

4. Craig Hanway

5. Allan Panitch

VI. 9:30 Adjournment

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