Friday, April 23, 2010

QACC - March Minutes

Minutes for March 4, 2010

I. 7:30 Approval of Agenda, Minutes, etc.
A. Agenda for March 4, 2010: Approved
B. Minutes for Prior QACC Meeting (Feb 3): Not Available
C. Treasurer's Report (February 28, 2010):
Beginning Balance
Interest Income



Ending Balance
II. 7:40 Presentations
A. Trash Reduction Contest: CleanScapes
1. Overview of contest aimed at reducing trash throughout Seattle sponsored by the CleanScapes trash collection company
B. Mini Mart @ 3rd W & McGraw: John Nicon & Steve Pac
1. Discussion of concern about new convenience store to be located next to Five Corners Hardware.
III. 7:40 New & Ongoing Business
A. Sustainable Queen Anne: Margaret Okamoto
1. Motion for QACC to serve as fiscal agent for Sustainable Queen Anne passed by acclamation
IV. 8:40 Committee Reports
A. Land Use & Planning Committee: Craig Hanway
1. Overview of proposed addition of performance space planned for the SPU campus
2. Overview of formation of committee to monitor design for the replacement of the Viaduct
B. Transportation: John Coney
1. Letter asking City of Seattle to retain the four eastbound lanes of on Mercer Street east of Aurora approved by acclamation.
C. Parks: Don Harper
1. Update on new Pro Parks fund for public art.
2. Discussion of Seattle Dept. of Parks process for public input for new parks, pea patches, etc.
D. Queen Anne Magnolia District Council: Mike Warren
1. Nothing to report
E. Social Issues: Allan Panitch
1. Nothing to report
F. NAC: Don Harper
1. Nothing to report
V. Attendance
A. Members in Attendance
1. Glenn Avery
2. John Coney
3. Deb Finken
4. Craig Hanway
5. Don Harper
6. Marty Kaplan
7. Laura Kleisle
8. Michael Lapin
9. Peter Lawrence
10. Sharon LeVine
11. Ellen Monrad
12. Margaret Okamoto
13. Allen Panitch
14. Jeff Parker
15. Tim Prouty
16. Kirk Robbins
17. Scott Smith
18. Jim Smith
19. Mike Warren
B. Members Absent
1. Scot Baker
2. Chris Grekoff
3. George Counts
4. Hiatt Kemp
VI. 9:30 Adjournment

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